Daily Motivation

Secure the Bag

How do we secure the bag? I'm glad you asked.

Why is this important?

"Secure the Bag" in relationships, family, finances, and children means prioritizing stability and success through solid planning, love, and investment in future growth.

The Urban dictionary says that secure the bag is an expression used to describe the act of taking/obtaining the advantage of the situation and keep something of value. It’s been said that “Securing the Bag” can only be referenced for entrepreneurs.

However, Secure the Bag is for everyone; we all need something to be secured. I want to discuss four points that I believe will help us “Secure the Bag.”

The first is to secure your finances. It is important to prioritize securing your finances. What if you were to lose your job unexpectedly? Do you have enough savings to sustain your household for a few months? It’s crucial to avoid spending money on unnecessary things and instead, save money to protect yourself. You can start by opening a secured credit card offered by most banks, where you deposit your own money as collateral. By using the card responsibly and making timely payments, you can establish trust with the bank and eventually qualify for an unsecured credit card. Similarly, when managing your finances, it’s essential to prioritize paying tithes, saving for yourself, and paying your bills in that order. You don’t have to start with a large amount, even small savings can go a long way. For instance, instead of spending $20 on food in a couple of days, you could put it towards your savings.

Secondly, it’s important to prioritize your relationship with your husband or partner. Make them feel valued and appreciated by taking the time to show affection and have meaningful conversations. Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of spending quality time with them. Being present in the moment and expressing your love can make a big difference in your relationship. Neglecting your partner could lead to arguments and misunderstandings down the line. To avoid this, it’s important to “Secure the Bag” by investing in your relationship and nurturing your connection.

It is important to remember that you need to secure your children. Take the time to talk to them and avoid being too busy, as they grow up quickly. If you are not intentional with them, they may start to mirror your personality. Make sure to tell them you love them every day, even when you are angry, because it can change the outcome of the situation. Also, confess good things over your children, as there is power in your words.

Secure your prayer life” is a reminder to cover our family and ourselves in prayer. We should be intentional and consistent with our prayers, even when we don’t understand what’s going on, when things get rough, or when things seem to be going well. We might not have all the answers to why things happen, but we can find comfort in God who knows all things.

I want to pray with you:

Father God,

I come before you as humble as I know how. I’m praying for my sister or brother, who may be reading this blog post. I ask that you bless them and their family and show them love. Continue to breathe life into them and show them how to “Secure the Bag.” I pray they will empty this bag at your feet and allow you to break every wall and barrier that seems to have them bound. I pray for wisdom for our marriages, children, and finances. Also, I pray for a tangible experience, so they know you have complete control.

In Jesus’ Name Amen

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